Men's Ministry

Seeking to better equip the Christian man to serve and represent Christ all week long, our men’s ministry meets regularly for fellowship and encouragement. Please email us at

Contact: Steve Carlson

               Dale Fleming

Contact Us

  • Men's Breakfast - Every 1st & 3rd Saturday Morning

    Our primary men’s fellowship opportunity is the monthly men’s breakfast from 7:30 to 9 am. We begin the morning with a time of fellowship and a delicious continental breakfast. Following the meal, we sing and share testimonies together, occasionally hearing the salvation testimony of one of our men. After taking prayer requests and praises, we conclude the morning by praying for the needs of those in our church family.

  • Men's handy man service

    The Men's Ministry occasionally organizes work days at the church to clean and do needed repairs. This is a cross generational activity open to men an boys alike.  Everyone is welcome to be of service to Christ and His church.

    Have you noticed something that needs repaired, replaced or modified? Please email us at or to fill out our form click here.